





人間がひとたび保有した核兵器を危険な兵器と知りながらも、真剣に廃棄の努力をしない理由のひとつは、核兵器の恐ろしさを真に実感できないからではないかと思います。 「平和の集い」-原爆法要-を通じて、多くの皆様が平和の尊さについて理解を深め、核兵器のない未来の実現の向けて力を尽くしていただくことを期待いたします。


長崎市長 田上 富久

English Message

To mark the event of the Peace Ceremony to commemorate 64th anniversary of the atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, I would like to say a few words on behalf of the people of Nagasaki.

On August 9, 1945, Nagasaki was devastated by a single atomic bomb. 74,000 people were killed in the explosion, and a further 75,000 suffered injuries. Those who narrowly escaped death were still dealt terrible physical and psychological wounds that would not heal. Even today, 64 years after the bombing, there are people suffering from the distinctive illnesses cause by the aftereffects of the bomb.

As a city that has suffered a nuclear attack, we are committed to showing the world the realities of the bombing and the inhumanity of nuclear weapons. With the arrival of US President Obama, there is a heightened chance for the abolition of nuclear weapons. Currently however, there are still 23,000 nuclear warheads in existence.

Human beings realize that the nuclear weapons they possess are dangerous, so why do they not strive with all their might to abolish them? One reason may be that people do not have a real sense of the true horror of nuclear weapons. Through this Peace Ceremony, we can all deepen general understanding of the foolishness of war and the brutality of the atomic bomb, and work to realize a future free from nuclear weapons.

In closing, I would like to wish for the success of this event, and for the good health of all here today.
August 2009

Tomihisa Taue
Mayor of Nagasaki